
Welcome to the Collection of Recipes at

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"Recipes" at is a collection of a whole variety of great recipes. Here you can find out how to cook red meat and fish. You can find a few amazing recipes for you holiday feast. Are you sure you know how to make a perfect Christmas turkey? If not, you can always check here.You can also find recipes of a few truly delicious vegetarian meals . Apart from that there is a variety of recipes for soups, salads and desserts. Finally, even if you a truly skilled cook, why not still check for some new ideas to bring into your kitchen?

Art is Food, Food is Art

Art is Food, Food is Art

Who said that food is just that – a food? Sceptics, perhaps. In reality, there is as much creativity about the things that are stored in the fridge as about the oil paints. Have you ever thought that you can make food look like art or you can make art from food? Oh, and if you think that these two categories are quite the same, you are very much mistaken.

Nowadays there are a lot of artist who experiment with materials, space and concepts. There are few among them who use food to create their masterpieces. Have you ever heard about foodscapes, for instance? They are created by British photographer Carl Warner. Not everyone might recognise that everything on his photographs is made of the actual edible items. However, once you look closer, you can find everything from rice to seafood, from broccoli to bread there. Carl creates conventional landscapes using very unconventional materials. He admits that the goal is to make the viewers believe that they are looking at a real scene and then make them smile once they realise that everything is made of food.

Grilled Butterflied Homegrown Ontario Turkey Breast
(NC)—This quick–cooking cut of turkey is seasoned with bright citrus, zesty cilantro, soy sauce and garlic. So easy to prepare, make this marinade a day or more prior to cooking for extra flavour.

• 1 large Ontario turkeybreast (about 1 lb/500g)
• 1/4 cup (50 mL) chopped fresh cilantro
• 1/4 cup (50 mL) orange marmalade
• 2 tbsp (30 mL) soy sauce
• 2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1/4 tsp (1 mL) each, salt and fresh cracked black pepper

Almond Fresh Berry Trifle
(NC)—Take advantage of summer's berry bounty and assemble this super easy dessert. For more great recipes, visit www.almond–

Makes 4 to 6 servings

• 2 cups (500 mL) Almond Fresh vanilla
• 1 tbsp (15 mL) honey
• 2 wide strips orange peel
• 1 pinch salt
• 3 tbsp (45 mL) cornstarch
• 1 tbsp (15 mL) orange liqueur (optional)
• 1/2 small store bought angel food cake
• 2 cups (500 mL) mixture fresh berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, and sliced strawberries

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(NC)—Digestive enzymes help replace enzymes lost in the cooking and processing of food and make up for decreased enzyme production by the body due to aging.

The human body makes and uses more than 3,000 kinds of enzymes to speed up enzymatic reactions and conserve energy. Without these enzymes, we could not live. Our bodies' reactions would be too slow for survival.