- Origin
Hundreds of varieties of thyme grow all over Eurasia, North Africa, Canary Islands and even Greenland. In the written source thyme was first mentioned approximately three thousand years BC. Since the ancient times people believed that thyme gives courage. That’s why Roman warriors used take baths with thyme before the battle and Scottish highlanders drank tea with thyme. Throughout Middle Ages thyme remained the symbol of courage. In medieval Europe ladies embroidered thyme twig onto their knights’ shirts, believing that it will give them courage during the battle.
Thyme is a basic ingredient in Libyan, Indian, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Caribbean and many other cuisines.

- Varieties
Thyme is sold both fresh and dried.

- Usage
Fresh and dried leaves and stalks are often used with peas and beans. Thyme is one of the main herbs of French cuisine and it is always included in bouquet garni and herbes de Provence. In Spain, Greece and Turkey thyme is used for conservation of olives. In Louisiana thyme is added to such traditional Creole dishes as gumbo and jambalaya. Jambalaya is a stewed mixture of rice, chicken (or pork), vegetable (invariably tomatoes), prawns, mussels, ham and spice (thyme is a must), served with tomato sauce or ketchup. Jambalaya can be called a variation of famous Spanish paella, which was brought to America by conquistadors.
Thyme is used in a classic French confit. Confit is a peculiar duck, goose and pork conserve. First, meat is corned in order to remove the excess of water, and then it is stewed for a long time until it becomes soft and tender. After it has cooled down, the meat is put into a clay pot, covered with fat in order to prevent the access of air. While the meat matures, it acquires a completely new taste and scent and can be stored in a cold place for a long time. Later confit can be fried or grilled and served with white mushrooms, and potatoes baked with cream.
Thyme is often used to flavour meats, soups and stews. It has a particular affinity to and is often used as a primary flavour with lamb, tomatoes and eggs. In small quantities thyme is added t fried fish, liver, pluck and lamb.

- Amount
Just like with many dried herbs less of dried thyme is required compared to fresh herb. As a rule of thumb, use one third as much dried as fresh thyme and a little less if it is ground. Thyme releases its flavours slowly so it is usually added early in the cooking process.

- Storage
The fresh thyme has more flavour, but it cannot be stored for more than a week. Dried thyme has less flavour but if stored correctly, it retains its flavour for a long time. It should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dark and dry place. Although summer-seasonal, fresh thyme is often available year round.

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(NC)—As the warmer weather sets in, so does our appetite for lighter fare and an increased energy level. Spring clean your health regime by treating yourself to wholesome lunch options and an active new lifestyle to get yourself back on track for the summer months. Here are three ways to get you started.
1. Re–introduce activity: After months of using the “it's cold out” excuse for not getting your 45 minutes a day, it is time to get back into the swing of things. Using your lunch break in the middle of the day to enjoy a brisk walk is a great way to get moving again.


Enhance your health with freshly grown herbs
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We know that antioxidants in our bodies are essential to good health. Many fruits and vegetables provide them, but research shows that fresh oregano is at the top of the list in antioxidant activity. Adding fresh herbs to your diet is an easy way to include significant amounts of antioxidants and increase the health value of a meal without adding extra calories–and you can easily grow them right in your own backyard garden or in containers on your patio or balcony.


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Here are a few tips I like to follow to ensure I am eating the proper portions.