  • Parsley

- Origin
Parsley originated in Mediterranean. Inhabitants of Ancient Greece noticed that parsley grows in the rocks and called it “pertoselinon”, which means “rocky celery”.
Parsley seeds contain oils, glucose and other substances, while parsley leaves are source of carotene and vitamin C. Parsley is generally rich in vitamins and minerals. It also contains up to 7% of essential oil, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2 and PP, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium. In fact, 100 grams of fresh parsley contain two RADs of vitamin C – 150mg. This is 4 times more than the amount contained in 100 grams of lemon. Parsley also contains as much carotene as carrots.

- Varieties
There are many varieties of parsley and they differ mainly by the shape of leaves. However, whatever shape the leaves have, they should always be green and fresh without yellow spots. Apart from dried and fresh leaves parsley root is also used in culinary.

- Flavour
The root has a yellowish white colour, has a sweet taste and a pleasant scent. It is added to dishes fresh, slightly backed or browned.

- Usage
Dried parsley is often used for scenting stocks. In this case it can be combined with dill and estragon. Fresh parsley can be used as an independent snack or added to the salad. It is often added to cold fish and meat dishes, soups, poultry, fish, eggs, seafood, cheese and many others. Fresh rooted is added to roast meat, sauces and steamed fish. More often parsley root is browned with oil before it is used in a dish. It can be added to all kinds of soups, stewed meat and fish.

- Combinations and substitutes
Parsley can be used in combination with many other herbs except for the ones which have a strong flavour that can overpower the delicate scent of parsley.

- Storage
Fresh parsley can be stored for 1-2 days or can be dried and stored up.

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