  • Oregano

- Origin
The word “oregano” comes from Greek and roughly translates as “joy of mountains”. Oregano was popular in ancient Greece and Egypt, where it was used with vegetables, wine, meat and fish. Oregano originated in the hilly regions of Mediterranean, but it was brought to the West very early in the history and nowadays it can be found across entire North America. Oregano is widespread in Europe and Mediterranean where it grows all over the place, but it has to be cultivated in America and France.

- Varieties
In modern culinary dried leaves and flower buds of oregano are used.

- Flavour
Oregano is characterised by pleasant delicate and spicy scent and slightly bitter taste. It is known to increase appetite and improve digestion.

- Usage
Oregano is popular in Mediterranean cuisine and it is next to impossible to imagine an Italian dish without the familiar scent of oregano. It is added to pizza, pasta and goes well with tomatoes, cheese and mushrooms. Oregano is ideal with ham, salads and fish sauces as well as roasted pork, baked potatoes. Oregano should be added closer to the end of cooking.

- Combinations and substitutes
Oregano can be combined with basil, thyme and pepper. Oregano is very similar to marjoram and that is why these two herbs are interchangeable

- Storage
Dried oregano leaves should be stored in s tightly closed container for no more than 2 months.

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