Tips to avoid the lunch break blues

(NC)—According to a recent survey commissioned by Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers, one-in-five Canadians either don't have time for lunch or end up skipping the meal entirely. In fact, 17% of Canadians consider the midday meal to be a luxury that they often do not have time to enjoy.

Follow these tips for a healthy choice and make the most out of your lunch hour.

Book lunch into your calendar: whenever possible, plan ahead and mark your break in your calendar. Set yourself a reminder for 15 minutes before to ensure you don't miss out.

Make a date once a week: having a lunch date to look forward to provides a nice escape from the stress of the work week. Invite a friend or co-worker to join you for a bite to eat.

Change it up: leave your desk or step outside of the house – even if it is just into your backyard. The combination of fresh air and the change of scenery will rejuvenate you for the remainder of the day.

Pack a lunch from home: having a nutritious lunch on hand ensures you have a healthy meal to enjoy wherever you are, even if you do find yourself crunched for time at the noon hour. Frozen entrées like Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers make are a great option for time-strapped individuals.
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(NC)—If you experience fatigue after eating, or experience gas, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, or nausea, you may be suffering from impaired digestion due to a lack of proper enzymes in your system.

Enzymes are produced by our bodies and act on food in the small intestine, stomach or mouth. Food enzymes are found in raw foods, which come equipped with some of the enzymes needed for their own digestion. However, enzymes are heat–sensitive––so cooking and processing can destroy 100 per cent of the naturally occurring enzymes in food.