Keeping stomach healthy at Christmas

Keeping stomach healthy at Christmas

In the midst of the Christmas holiday season all the parties and arrangements invariable seem to lead to more eating and drinking than usual. For those who have weak stomach, Christmas is always a major stress and even for those who are perfectly healthy extra demands on the digestive system cannot go unnoticed. However, there are several that might help to keep your stomach working while you enjoy the festivities.

1) Do not starve yourself
Try to treat Christmas as any regular day in terms of food consumption. Do not starve yourself during the day in order to “save a place” for Christmas dinner. Starting a feast on an empty stomach is nearly always a guarantee of overeating and as a consequence discomfort and upset stomach.

Genetically modified foods on your table. Matter of chance or informed choice?
Despite the fact that genetically modified foods are certainly not novelties on the Canadian market, the reasonableness of the use of those products remains the problem of today. Genetically modified foods are often called the foods of the new era due to the fact that their creation owed to the rapid development of science. Genetic modification is a set of technologies that alters the genetic makeup of various organisms, including plants and animals. In order to create genetically modified organism, the gene which is responsible for a specific feature of that organism. As soon as this gene is located it can be replaced with a gene from the different organism and as a consequence the organism will acquire a new feature.
Snacking regularly helps prevent overeating at meal time

(NC)—It happens to all of us. It is mid-morning and you suddenly feel that pang of hunger coming on. Your morning breakfast has worn off and lunch time feels still far, far away.

Fear not, snacking is good for you, so long as you snack on the right foods.

Registered dietitian and renowned speaker Sue Mah explains that healthy snacks not only give you the energy needed to stay alert and fuelled through your day, but also have another major benefit. “By choosing the right snacks every few hours, you can help prevent overeating at your meal times.”

A heart healthy routine for women is important

(NC)—Women today strive to have it all - a great career, a healthy mind and body, a daily routine that incorporates exercise, good eating habits and of course, the time to do it all. But little does the average unsuspecting woman know about the lurking, silent health risk that is heart disease. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, women are more likely to die from heart disease than any other disease and many women still do not know this.

Olive oil: poduct of extraordinary goodness
Culinary and nutrition play the important part within the Mediterranean culture. Olive oil and olives are among the ingredients of the majority of national dishes. Olives are added to salads and served as appetizers in Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal. They are used in cooking in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. However, nutritional value of olives and olive oil is so great that they are used all over the world.

Every country in the world has interesting and delicious foods which the natives can boast about. Some of them are so great, that they are well known all over the world. For example, everyone knows about Italian risotto and Sicilian caponata and Greek salad. What is common for these dishes? Olives and olive oil are used in each of the recipes.

Give your favourite family recipe a healthy makeover
By Stephanie Lawrence

(NC)—Love that old family recipe but not the fat and calories that come with it? Your favourite recipes may not be as healthy as you'd like them to be, - but it doesn't have to be that way. There are so many simply and easy ways to trim the fat and keep the flavour of the recipes you and your family love.

Carol Dombrow, Heart and Stroke Foundation registered dietitian offers tips on how to make your favourite recipe healthier, “try cutting down on some of the less healthy ingredients like fat, sugar and salt and at the same time increase healthy nutrients like fibre. While it seems tricky, it's actually quite simple and can be done without losing any flavour.”

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(NC)—For the 3 million Canadians who have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and control blood glucose levels. Those who have recently been diagnosed with the disease must also learn new dietary habits and pay much closer attention to factors like alcohol intake, vegetarianism and the food they eat when they are away from home. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in this regard.