ABCs for back-to-school success
ABCs for back-to-school success

(NC)—As summer nears the end, late bedtimes and never-ending play time are about to be replaced with early night time schedules and homework. Gently easing children back into a routine is an important part of preparing them for success in the new school year. But the transition can sometimes be difficult for both children and parents. With a few simple tips and tricks, children, and their parents, can get the new school year off to a great start:(NC)—As summer nears the end, late bedtimes and never-ending play time are about to be replaced with early night time schedules and homework. Gently easing children back into a routine is an important part of preparing them for success in the new school year. But the transition can sometimes be difficult for both children and parents. With a few simple tips and tricks, children, and their parents, can get the new school year off to a great start:

School visit. Consider visiting the school the week before the first day back so both you and your children are familiar with the surroundings. If possible, include a visit to the classroom, locker and lunchroom. And check with the school's administrator to see if your child's teacher will be present. An informal introduction before the first day of class can ease any concerns or nerves your child may have.

Lunch preparation. The night before school, have your child pick out their favourite snack to include in their lunch. Having options on hand like Nestle Fav*rites, which offer peanut-free snack-size Kit Kat, Aero, Coffee Crisp and Smarties chocolate bars, takes the guess work out of planning your child's snack.

Re-establish routines. Taking the time to restore pre-summertime meal and bed routines a week before school starts can help prepare your child for the change about to happen.

Shop in advance. Mom and dad, leave enough time to grab all the back-to-school essentials before that first bell rings. Consult with any school communications that may have included a supply checklist. Getting a head start on shopping will allow you to focus on other essentials – like making lunches and packing book bags – the weekend before.

With these tips, getting back into a school routine doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a little thought and creativity, their first day will go just as smoothly as anticipated. And if your child is eager and excited about the returning to school – sit back, relax and enjoy the last few days of summer.
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(NC)—You may experience the following symptoms after eating because you lack the proper amount of enzymes in your system:

• Gas
• Bloating
• Sleepiness or fatigue
• Heartburn
• Acid reflux
• Nausea