Vignoble la Bauge winery

Vignoble la Bauge winery

Vignoble la Bauge

Address: 155 Des Érables,
Brigham, QC, J2K 4E1, Canada
Phone: (514) 266-2149
Fax: (514) 263-2035
Our vineyard was planted in 1987 by Alcide Naud, the owner of the farm since 1951. With the help of the brothers Alain and Jacques Breault, long-time friends of the Naud family and former owners of the Vineyard Les arpents de Neige in Dunham, 5000 white Seyval vines were planted. In 1989, 1000 plants, mostly White Seyval, Chancelor and Geisenhein were added to the plantation. Since then, 10 000 vines have been tried : Ortega, Baccus, Gamay, Black Seyval, Maréchal Foch, Seigfrid, Seigerebe, White Cayuga, Vidal ...

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