Newfoundland Wineries

Newfoundland Wineries
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Grand Falls-Windsor, NF, Canada    
(709) 489-7701
Description:   A family owned winery located in Shoal Harbour, Newfoundland. Operating since 1997 under the guidence of Leroy Flynn....
Whitbourne, NF, Canada    
(709) 759-3003
Description:   Founded in 1993 as Markland Cottage Winery, Rodrigues Winery is Newfoundland’s first winery and has continued to grow in both capacity and in the variety of wines produced from w...
   [Winery info]
Durrell, NF, Canada    
(709) 884-2707
Description:   Weil Winery officially opened on July 25, 1998. The winery is owned and operated by Winston Jennings and Edward Weiterman of Moreton's Harbour, Newfoundland. We are located in the ...
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