How to keep the kitchen safe

(NC)—The kitchen is a great place for family members to come together. Cooking is a great way to involve the entire family in an activity while still getting dinner on the table. While this time can be a great way to bond, it can also be dangerous if food isn't handled properly. Follow these food safety tips to keep the kitchen a safe and fun place:

Keep things separate: A combination of protein and vegetables is great for any meal, but keeping things separate is important for food safety. Designate a separate cutting board for meat and one for vegetables. Make things fun and creative for the kids by allowing them to pick out fun coloured cutting boards for each item.

Avoid chemicals: Keeping the counters clean is important for food safety, as bacteria from the counter can transfer onto your food. To keep your kitchen counters clean, choose a product with naturally–derived ingredients, like Green Works All–Purpose cleaner. Green Works products are made with at least 95 per cent naturally–derived ingredients, so you can be sure the clean you are getting is without harsh chemical fumes or residue.

Remember the date: Remembering expiry dates is essential to ensuring the food you feed your family is safe. Make sure the expiry dates on your food containers are visible and rotate older products to the front when you bring new groceries home. Making sure you have the freshest food on hand is a great way to ensure your family's meals are both safe and nutritious.

Remember that healthy eating goes beyond your choice of food. Keeping your kitchen clean is a big part of making sure your family's meals are as healthy as they can be.

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(NC)—For the 3 million Canadians who have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and control blood glucose levels. Those who have recently been diagnosed with the disease must also learn new dietary habits and pay much closer attention to factors like alcohol intake, vegetarianism and the food they eat when they are away from home. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in this regard.