Celebrate food, from field to table with your kids

(NC)—March is Nutrition Month and getting your kids in the kitchen is a great way to participate in this year's theme – Celebrate Food, from Field to Table. When children are left out of meal preparation it is harder for them to gain an understanding and appreciation for our food, where it comes from, and how basic ingredients are put together to make a meal. It's never too late to get your kids in the kitchen to prepare fresh, nutritious food and to celebrate the making of a meal. Involving children in food preparation is also a great way to enhance their development. No matter their age, food preparation can be used to provide real life examples of lessons learned in school.

Breakfast for Learning suggests these great opportunities to engage your children in the kitchen:

• Measuring ingredients

• Counting the cutlery needed to set the table

• Decorating homemade creations

• Spelling the names of ingredients

• Dividing or multiplying the recipe to ensure everyone gets a portion

• Talking about the importance of hand washing and food safety

It's time to be more connected to the food we eat and for all of us to celebrate the hard work that goes into the production of a meal from field to table. More easy–to–prepare, family friendly recipes can be found online at www.breakfastforlearning.ca.


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(NC)—You may experience the following symptoms after eating because you lack the proper amount of enzymes in your system:

• Gas
• Bloating
• Sleepiness or fatigue
• Heartburn
• Acid reflux
• Nausea
