Wines in Cooking
Sometimes people seem to forget that wine is not just a drink, but also a widely used cooking ingredient. Ask a chief at any restaurant and he or she will come up with at lease a dozen of recipes which has wine listed among the main ingredients. Particularly often wines are used for sauces and marinades, but not exclusively. Here are few recipes for you to try:
  • Swiss Fondue

150g dry white wine, 225g Swiss cheese, pinch of white pepper and nutmeg

Pour the wine into the fondue pot, add cheese, pepper and nutmeg. Stir until boiling.

  • Sauce for lamb

175g blackcurrant jam, 2-3 tbsp port wine

Melt the jam in a saucepan, add port wine. Leave in the fridge for the night

  • Sauce for pork

75g white wine, 125-150g thick cream, 1tbsp mustard, salt, pepper

Pour wine onto the frying pan; add cream, mustard, salt and pepper; wait until the sauce is thick
Serve fried pork with the sauce 

  • Marinade for beef

450ml dry red wine, 3 tbsp olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves, 1 tbsp black pepper

Mix all ingredients, marinate the beef for 6-8 hours. Roast in the oven together with marinade and vegetables.

  • Bitter sauce for duck

4 shallot onions, 2 oranges, 60ml red wine, ˝ lemon, 5 tbsp orange marmalade

Finely chop shallot onions; use the fat left after frying the duck breast to sauté the onions until golden; add orange rind, orange and lemon juice and marmalade; stir for several minutes; pour the sauce over the fried duck breast, put the lid on and cook in the oven for 1.5 hour


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