Mussels with pasta
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 25 min
4 servings

1.8 kg fresh mussels
150 ml white wine
250g pasta
1 finely chopped onion
50g mushrooms
pinch of cayenne pepper and saffron
225ml cream
1 egg yolk
basil for decoration
bouquet garni

1. Wash the mussels in cold water, remove algae. Put them into the saucepan with half of wine and 150ml of water and bouquet garni. Cover with the lid and boil for 5-7 min.

2. Wait until the mussels are dry and cool and remove the shell.

3. Cook pasta for 10 min.

4. Melt the butter in the saucepan, fry the onion. Add chopped mushrooms and fry for 2 min. Add the remaining wine, cayenne pepper and saffron. Wait until the sauce has thickened, add cream and mussels.

5. Remove from the stove, add egg yolk. Mix pasta with the sauce and serve while hot.

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(NC)—For the 3 million Canadians who have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and control blood glucose levels. Those who have recently been diagnosed with the disease must also learn new dietary habits and pay much closer attention to factors like alcohol intake, vegetarianism and the food they eat when they are away from home. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in this regard.