Make your immunity IQ work for you

(NC)—Keeping our immune systems strong and healthy can be difficult, despite our best efforts to meet daily nutrition requirements outlined by Canada's Food Guide. Diana Steele, registered dietitian, shares just three important ingredients that can help not only nourish the body but keep your immunity strong.

Four fruit boosters – Some fruit more than others give the body an excellent source of immune–boosting nutrients. Kiwifruit, strawberries, blueberries and papaya are not only famous for their delicious taste, but rich vitamin content as well. Eat them fresh and on their own or top some greens for a flavourful salad.

Probiotics – The latest buzz word has earned its popularity and part in your daily diet. More and more research points to health–related benefits of these friendly bacteria. Plus, there are numerous ways to get your daily dose of probiotics, including a probiotic multivitamin, like Multibionta. It provides you with essential vitamins and minerals your body needs each day, in combination with clinically proven natural probiotic strains to maintain your good health.

Garlic – It may not leave your breath smelling fresh, but raw garlic provides the body with natural antimicrobial support that helps kill off bacteria and viruses. Maximize its raw benefits by crushing cloves and adding to your vegetable salad or dressing. Even cooked, you can still benefit from its bacteria–killing properties. So simply add a few extra cloves to a soup or pasta dish.

If you want to learn more about how to strengthen your immunity, join the conversation with Multibionta on

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(NC)—You may experience the following symptoms after eating because you lack the proper amount of enzymes in your system:

• Gas
• Bloating
• Sleepiness or fatigue
• Heartburn
• Acid reflux
• Nausea