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Beverages in Canada

Clean environment, plentiful natural resources and strict quality regulations are among the factors that contribute to the production of a great variety of beverages both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. The increasing success of Canadian wine industry as well as truly successful beer industry can be readily attributed to the presence of high-quality raw material, water in particular. The same can be said about the soft drinks industry, which includes production of fruit flavoured beverages, colas, ginger ales, ginger beers, root beers, iced tea, iced coffee, soda waters, tonic waters and many others. Latest innovations and research contribute to the high quality of beverages produced in Canada as well. Food products section at will help you find out more about Canadian alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. In addition you can find the listings of beverage suppliers in Canada here.
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(NC)—Digestive enzymes help replace enzymes lost in the cooking and processing of food and make up for decreased enzyme production by the body due to aging.

The human body makes and uses more than 3,000 kinds of enzymes to speed up enzymatic reactions and conserve energy. Without these enzymes, we could not live. Our bodies' reactions would be too slow for survival.