Bad digestion responds to good bacteria

(NC)—Diarrhea, constipation and all manner of digestive discomfort may be relieved by consuming live bacteria! Sounds strange, but if you have ever eaten yogurt, you've eaten healthy bacteria known as probiotics. Pro means "for" and "bio" means life. Probiotics are live bacteria that support good health by counteracting the harmful bacteria that can cause illness and discomfort in your digestive tract and throughout your body.

Antibiotics are pharmaceutical preparations designed to kill destructive bacteria that can cause infections and illness. However, antibiotics can't select which bacteria they destroy and so they sometimes kill off the body's populations of good probiotic bacteria.

You can rebalance your body's healthy bacteria levels by supplementing with a probiotic supplement, like any of the probiotics found under "Digestion" at These supplements also enhance immunity. Read your labels. Each capsule of a quality probiotic supplement should contain billions of live bacteria–the kind most commonly found in your digestive tract.

You can help prevent diarrhea, constipation and poor digestion on a daily basis with probiotics as well as using them to re–balance your system after antibiotic therapy. Some formulas contain other nutrients called FOS (fructooligosaccharides) that literally feed the probiotics so they multiply and last longer in your system. A womens' formula may contain cranberry concentrate to help the probiotics fight urinary tract infections and candida (illustration).

Always follow label instructions and, if you are using medications, consult your health care provider before changing your diet or taking supplements.

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(NC)—Digestive enzymes help replace enzymes lost in the cooking and processing of food and make up for decreased enzyme production by the body due to aging.

The human body makes and uses more than 3,000 kinds of enzymes to speed up enzymatic reactions and conserve energy. Without these enzymes, we could not live. Our bodies' reactions would be too slow for survival.