(NC)-This BBQ sauce is made for all manner of grilled meats, from baby back ribs to hamburgers to chicken. Pair with a glass of full-bodied red Zinfandel to bring the sauce's spice and slight sweetness into perfect harmony.


1 Tbsp butter
1/2 C minced onions
1 Tbsp Dijon-style mustard
2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1/2 Tbsp salt
2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 C tomato catsup
1 C red Zinfandel


In a medium saucepan saute onions in melted butter until soft, about 10 minutes. Add all of the remaining ingredients and stir over medium heat until thickened, about 30 minutes. Generously brush or spoon sauce over meat during barbeque cooking. You can also serve warmed sauce with finished meat at the table. Makes 2 cups of Zinfandel sauce.

Source: RanchoZabaco.com

Courtesy of  News Canada

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